Business Turnaround Specialist Is Just What The Doctor Ordered
- Category: Finance

In fact, things are going so good, that this week alone, we achieved $79,480 worth of sales through our use of social media networks linkedin, twitter and the company marketing blog which you are reading right now. Not bad for a 3-hour a week investment!
But yesterday, as I was speaking to a guru in business turnaround, I immediately took note that there is many things that I could learn from this guy who has more than 20 years experience, working all over the world, turning small, medium and large businesses around.
At first, like many, I immediately associated 'business turnaround' with a company that is in financial strife. It's often an element that leads a company to realise that they need help and that they have a problem, but it certainly isn't the only reason that a company may need a 'business turnaround' specialist.
Firstly, a good one is actually a performance improvement solution provider who uses strategy, capital and people solutions to take businesses where they want to go. A really smart operator, knows that it is people first that need to be the cornerstone of improvement in any business, and if a company offering these services doesn't understand that, then don't use them.
A combination of strong leadership, strategy, people and finance is paramount to creating a successful business. As a small business, if you don't have these things sorted, then maybe someone who can come in and transform your business can help you take your business from being a $2 to $10 million turnover business to a $20 to $50 million turnover business.
I for one am excited about working with people that have these skills. They bring to the table an outside perspective that you cannot get from working inside a business day-in, day-out.
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